Embrace the Vacation
Learning to Take Days Off
Daily Blog #12
I think that knowing when you should take a break is a higher level of self care. The self awareness to know when to slow down for the sake of longevity is beyond me, but it’s what you need so you can stretch out the gas you have in the tank.
I’m someone that’s prone to feeling like I need to be doing something, doing nothing for too long bothers me. It’s why I pick up hobbies, it’s why I started daily blogging. At the time of writing this, most of my days are open and free and my schedule is empty. I have an itch to go do something and change it, but then I remember what it feels like to feel like I have no time. The sense of urgency, the sense of being overwhelmed. I revel in that feeling, but I know that I need a break, I know a staycation will be good for me.
Working everyday hinders creativity, well feeling like whatever it is that you’re doing is ‘work’ can hinder creativity. I’m taking this time to reevaluate whatever it is that I want to do with my life, to reassess. I’m asking myself the real questions like ‘what makes you happy’, ‘what do you enjoy’, ‘what are you really good at’. When all you do is work, it’s hard to evaluate those questions.
Appreciate your heavy work days, appreciate your days off, work to be in a position where your Monday feels just as good as your Saturday.