I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON (and that’s okay)
Daily Blog #11
I spend a lot of time trying to deceive the rest of the world and put on the façade that I have everything figured out, that there is a plan, that there is method to all this madness.
But to be brutally honest – I have no clue what I’m doing (and I’m okay with that). I’m 21, I have my whole life ahead of me. We have so many hyper-successful early-20-somethings that it has the rest of us brainwashed that everyone has to be top-30 under 30 material, when in reality everyone has their own pace. Everyone has their own path. Not everyone will reach success the same way, not all of us will reach success and the most important thing is just trying your best.
Continuous effort, purposeful effort, positive effort. That’s all anyone can ask of me or you or anyone reading this. Just try to be better than yesterday. You’ll do your best when you stop chasing ghosts, when you start focusing on your personal bests not world records. It’s discouraging to look at the best of the best when you’re just starting out — it’s hard for most people to be inspired that way. As cliche as it sounds, it’s all about running your own race and doing things that make you happy. Don’t stifle yourself so young or think that what one person does is the one and only path to success.
In the last year, I’ve really taken it to heart that no amount of success is worth your mental health, and that all these comparisons and this unnecessary competition doesn’t help anyone. If you keep trying to beat people you’ll never really win, you’ll just beat someone. But if you provide value, cultivate meaningful relationships and pursue your passions and do what it is in this world that you want to do, that makes you happy.
Provide for this world what you think it needs, it gets a lot easier to feel like a winner.