When Things Fall Through … STAY POSITIVE
Daily Blog #14
It sucks to be in a period of not knowing and it’s even worse to learn that something won’t be happening.
In the last few months, a lot of opportunities were presented to me, a lot of chances were given to me and 1 of 2 things happened
- Things fell through because it was really a too good to be true situation
- I messed up
Sometimes it was a combination of both, but the most important thing that I’ve realized is this — there are things in your control and there are things that out of your control, focus on what you can control.
I personally get very caught up in the things that I can’t control, things that just happen, the acts of God.
I believe that we’d all like to be in control of everything that affects us, we’d all like to be the masters of our own domain. Some of us probably think we are, but we aren’t.
When shit’s about to hit the fan and there’s nothing you can do about it, brace yourself.
Clean it up.
Because you’re still alive and there’s a tomorrow and you can try again.